what she should do???

Dear All,
My friend got married and she has problems with her husband. She stays with her family.
She is willing to change herself and improve her weakness that have lead to the problems but it seems that her husband doesnot appear to. Because the husband and the family doesnt ask about her for almost 5 months.

What should she do???


بس ميثا يمكن البنت ماعندها كيبورد عربي!!!
up up for your eyes lol

لاول شي لازم ما تدخل اهلها في الموضوع
ثاني شي لازم تتواصل وياه عشان تعرف راسها من كرياسها يباها و لا لأ
ثالثا لازم اتحسن من عمرها اذا هي غلطانة و تصبر على ريلها اذا هو غلطان.

5 شهور !

حراام أحس وايد

كيف قدر يخليها هالفترة كلها بدون ما يتواصل وياها او يسال فيها ؟!

مادري الغلا .. معقولة المشكلة هالكثر كبيرة مبينهم؟ !

هممم ،، ماعرف شو انصحها ،، بس حاولي تتواصلين ويا استشارية اسرية يمكن عندها حلول احسن منا

وربي يوفقها

انزين اختي انتي ماقلتي شـو المشكله الي استوت بينها وبين ريلها معقوله 5 شهوووور وحتى فكر يسأل بس الذي ذكرتيه انها تبى تغير ضعفها انزين الضعف في الشخصيه ولا ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

الله يعينها

what does it mean

بنات لما ابى ارسل رسالة خاصة تطلع لي هالعبارة ؟؟!!!!

تقريرك لا يمكن معالجتها لأن الرمز (token) قد انتهت صلاحيته

رجاء عد للخلف وحدث الصفحة السابقة.

ولما احدث الصفحة نفس الشي يصير
شو السالفة

غريبه..والله ما اعرف

ان شاء الله البنات يفيدونج..بس اتأكدي من اسم المرسل اليه

سوي ريفريش للصفحة


انا سويت ريفرش بس يطلعلي نفس الشي

What is alternative medicine?

What is alternative medicine?

Alternative medicine practices are used instead of standard medical treatments. alternative medicine is distinct from complementary medicine which is meant to accompany, not to replace, standard medical practices. alternative medical practices are generally not recognized by the medical community as standard or conventional medical approaches.

Alternative medicine includes dietary supplements, megadose vitamins, herbal preparations, special teas, massage therapy

What are complementary and alternative medicine therapies?

1. alternative Medical Systems

Alternative medical systems are built upon complete systems of theory and practice. Often, these systems have evolved apart from and earlier than the conventional medical approach used in the United States. Examples of alternative medical systems that have developed in Western cultures include homeopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine. Examples of systems that have developed in non-Western cultures include traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda.

2. Biologically Based Therapies

Biologically based therapies in CAM use substances found in nature, such as herbs, foods, and vitamins. Some examples include dietary supplements,3 herbal products,

مشكورة أختي على هذي المعلومات والكلام فيه صحيح, فعلاً للحين مع أنه الطب البديل له تاريخ طويل وجزء مهم من أجزاء العلاج ويدرس الحين , بس بعده في ناس ماتعرف شو هو وفي ناس ما تثق فيه!!!!!!! بس أختي عندي ملاحظة بسيطة لو تترجميه للغة العربية لأنه ما الكل يعرف إنجليزي وحتى اللي يعرف إنجليزي الغالبية ما تعرف المصطلحات الطبية , لك جزيل الشكر.

what is the best movie u have ever Seeeen:)?

hi girlzz

am a movie addict

and i have seen lots of wonderful movies such as

Pride and prigdice the old version

Upclose and personal

Legends of the fall


and alot more

more over there is 2 indian moveis i cannot forget althought i dont see indian moveis alot these days
they are

kabi kushi kabi kham

how about u girlzzz any movie addict here

and i have seen before maybe 2 years
The lord of the rings 3 parts

انا شراتج مدمنه افلام
i admire watching movies
in fact i watch English and Indian movies
and there are a lot of movies that i liked
such as
final destination 1 and 2
harry potter
lord of th rings
ice princess
shall we dance
many moooooooore

hum dil de chuke sanam
kuch kuch hota hai

to be frank with u

my favo. is ( the godfather ) and nothing else

oh YEAH the GOD FATHER is amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing AL pacino kekeke

ام مزنة
شمس القوايل
بنت الاياويد

welcome to the club girlzzzzzz kekekek

i’ve watched plenty… but am still not a movie addict LOOL

i loved

Autumn in NY
My best friend’s wedding
pretty woman
sweet november
the other sister
Mr & Mrs Smith
White Chicks LOOL

these are what’s in my mind for now


I saw many movies, but i can’t remembe all of them
such as
home alon
baby day out
toy story
ice age
that all what i have remembered
Now i see lots of Anime movies . There are more beautiful than any movie that i have seen

What does Family,Husband, Hello Means

Do you know What is behind the word FAMILY?


WHY does a man want to have a WIFE? Because:


Why does a women want to have a husband?


The does the simple word Hello has a further meaning?

H>>>>>>>>>>>>>How are you?
E>>>>>Every thing is all right?
L>>>>>>like to hear from you
L>>>>>love to see you soon
O>>>>>>obviously,I miss you

thanx for passing by


thank you

great work

thanx sis


it is very enjoyable Subject

thank u so much

I’m glad that u enjoyed it ..
thanx 4 passing by sisters