بنات اللي دارس البزنس بسالكن سؤال
عندنا مشروع نحسب مصاريف اسرة
ومن ضمنها اكتب شو اهدافهم شو مخططاتهم
short term goal
miduim term goal
lomg term goal
ارجوكم عطوني مثال متصل لعائلة على كل هدف
short term<<<< taking a holiday
midium term >>>>> buying a second car
long term >>>>>>> buliding a second house
ابي امثلة ثانية ارجوكم ساعدوني الله يخليكم
These are some goals that would help you..
Short term goals:-
1) Bringing a new chef for the family.
2) Buying monthly/weakly nutrition.
3) Preparing kids for the new scholastic year.
4) Paying for kids shcoolastic terms.
5) Paying monthly bills. i.e. electricity, phone….
Miduim term goals:-
1) Renwing the washer machine.
2) Establishing new bank saving accounts for kids.
3) Buying gifts for parents in their family occasions or anniverseries.
4) Visiting Saudia Arabia for 3 weakend days in Ramadan.
5) Preparing a family gathering celebration at the end of the Spring hloiday.
Long term goals:-
1) Buillding a mosque in another islamic country.
2) Buying a flat in Paris for yearly vacations.
3) Paying long life loans.
4) Building an extra suite in the villa for their sons and their families.
5) Establish a private business for saling IT stuff.
DONE, Hope that will be a good start for you…
Just put yourself in the mode and the ideas will come to your mind directly.
thanks sis you really saved my life
Is there any websites which provide more examples
hi again
ur welcomed sister,
I brought those ideas from ma mind and didn’t use any websites…
but if necessary u can check in google about "gaols and how to write them"
c ya