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الرئيسية » بناااات تقنيه بوظبي فــــــــقـــــــــــــط ()

بناااات تقنيه بوظبي فــــــــقـــــــــــــط ()

هلا و مرحبا صبايا

اليوم وصلني ايميل من تقنيه ابوظبي

مسوين اممممم…..بحطه لك و انتوا اقرووووووا

Dear Graduates,

You are invited to attend ADWC’s first Alumnae Lunch on Tuesday, May 13, ! It will take place between 1:00pm – 3:30pm in the Assembly Hall. Please see the invitation (attachment) for exact details. We are hoping to attract as many alumnae (graduates) as possible. If you know of any ADWC graduates we would highly appreciate it if you could forward this message to them.

We have limited space available, therefore if you would like to attend the luncheon please reply back to me before May 01, . We will register the names of the first 200 graduates to respond.

Also, on May 22 we are holding an Alumnae & Finalist Career Fair between 10:30-2:30 in the Assembly Hall. Employers will be present and they will offer recruitment opportunities for students and graduates. PD’s will also be offered after 3:00. These include Job Search Skills, CV Tips, and Interview Tips. Full details & sign-up will be available at the Alumnae Lunch.

For more information about the ALUMNAE LUNCH please contact:

Reem Al-Ramahi

[email protected]


For more information about the ALUMNAE & FINALIST CAREER FAIR please contact:

Jane Tatterton

[email protected]


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