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الرئيسية » مواضيع مهمة في المحادثة في امتحان الايلتس

مواضيع مهمة في المحادثة في امتحان الايلتس

مرحبا خواتي …….. كيفكم
اليوم بعطيكم مواضيع مهمة جدا لا يخلو منها امتحان الايلتس في جزء المحادثة .. منها
Describe yourself
Describe your family
How much time do you spend with your family
What do you do? What are your responsibilities
Describe your education
What kind of school did you go to as a child
What are you studying now
What is your area of specialization
Describe your hometown
What’s special about it
What’s the weather like in your country
Does the weather affect your mood
Describe your home
What kind of building do you live in
How long have you lived there
Do you like to travel
What kind of places have you visited in your life
Do you use the Internet much during the day
What do you usually do on the Internet
Describe a friend
How long have you known each other
What do usually do together
What do you feel about smoking in public places
Do you think smoking should be banned in people’s homes
Do you have any hobbies
What are some of your hobbies
Do you enjoy shopping
How do you feel about shopping
Do you like sports
Do you enjoy watching sports
Do you enjoy participating in any sports
What are some of your favourite foods
What foods are popular in your country
Which places would you recommend to a visitor to your country
Do a lot of tourists visit your country


شكرا وجزاك الله خيرا

جزاج الله كل خير موضوع مفيدا جدا

شكرا عزيزتي
وبارك الله لك في علمك

هل هناك اجابات لهذه الاسئلة أو غيرها على النت
الشكر للجميع

مشكوره اختي

اترك تعليقاً

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