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الرئيسية » English Time

English Time

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ]~

شحالكم خواتي .؟
عساكم بخير ..

انا حالياً ادرس ليفلات انجلش والحمدالله تحسنت وايد ’
فحابه يكون هذا الموضوع لاشياء نكتبها بالانجلش ..

مثل يوميات , حكم , خاطرة , كلمات , معلومه مفيده , الخ …]

وعسى الله يوفقنا يارب =)

I’m a bit upset today .

I tried to disapear my feeling but I can’t

I should remember this sentene : What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

I want to be stronge because nothing in this life deserves upset about it ..


Myabe I have some mistake *_^

i am not an expert in english but not bad either

so let us see

I’m a bit upset today .

I tried to disapear my feeling but I can’t

I should remember this sentene : What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
the word sentene is wrong it should be sentence

I want to be stronge because nothing in this life deserves upset about it ..

also stronge should be strong

i liked what did you write too much

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الليدي نتالي
i am not an expert in english but not bad either

so let us see

i liked what did you write too much

Hello sis ..
How are you doing .?
I’m so glad because you encourage me ..

of course I’ll do a lot of mistake because I’m in level 3 ..

Thanks my dear

I don’t know how I feel today maybe I’m fine maybe I’m not , I think the best word to describe my feeling is I’m lost ..

I make my friends annoyed I know that , they think I don’t love them because I
don’t call and send many masseges to them

If I sent and call them ,they’d increase love !
of course not ..

the most important I love them ,that what I want my friends to know it ..

لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له ، له الملك ، وله الحمد ، وهو على كل شيء قدير



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