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الرئيسية » ساعدوني بأبسط شيء عندكم ؟؟

ساعدوني بأبسط شيء عندكم ؟؟

السلام عليكم
اخوانتي اريد مساعدة بسيطة جدا جدا هي ..
هي كتابة موضوع بسيط جدا ومطلوم مني ضرووري ..
وهو ان تكتب عن نفسك يعني عن المراحلة الي انت دارس فيها و متى تصحى من النوم الصبح , ومتى تفطر فطورك متى تفطر وشو بتفطر ومتى ترجع من المدرسة ومتى تتغداء وشو يكون الغداء …………………………..وهكذا…
تكون موضوع واهم شي تذكر فيه شو الفطور والغداء والعشاء الي تاكله..

وشكرا …اتمنى لو تقدمون موضوع بسييط جدا وشكرا جعله الله في ميزان حسناتكم.. مطلوب مني ضروري .. رجاءا لاتقصرون ولو بجمل بسيطة…

صراحه انا بالتعبير ميح يعني مره زفت اذا تبغن اكتبيه لي بالعربي وانا اترجمه لك

وارسله ليه بالرساله وان شاء الله اسويه بكره

وان شاء الله البنات يساعدونك يالغلا

I finished my studies as nurse, i choosed to be a nurse because that was my dream since i was in primery school, and also because i really enjoy anything has to do with helping people, specifically health.I’m currently working as nurse.. My day goes like this, i wake up around 6:30 am, take a quick shower and dress up.

I rarely have time for breakfast …i’m serious..but okay let me continue hehehe

For breakfast i eat pancakes with jam, egg on a toast or even Weetabix.. And sure my coffee is the most important thing..

I usually be at work on lunch time, so i eat whatever is available at work, something like tuna sandwiches .
As for the dinner, by this time i’m at home so i cook a heavy things, like chicken and rice or even Lasanga.


Sister i really dont know if what i wrote , would be a help for you because there’s a dfference between you and me, what makes i dont know what you exactly do and what you eat…but you can change and put and cut as it suits you.

Good luck

hi my friend

I can help you

you have to give me the basis information
for example,
which time you get up?
what did eat in the lunch or dinner
these kind of information

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Mona23
I finished my studies as nurse, i choosed to be a nurse because that was my dream since i was in primery school, and also because i really enjoy anything has to do with helping people, specifically health.I’m currently working as nurse.. My day goes like this, i wake up around 6:30 am, take a quick shower and dress up.

I rarely have time for breakfast …i’m serious..but okay let me continue hehehe

For breakfast i eat pancakes with jam, egg on a toast or even Weetabix.. And sure my coffee is the most important thing..

I usually be at work on lunch time, so i eat whatever is available at work, something like tuna sandwiches .
As for the dinner, by this time i’m at home so i cook a heavy things, like chicken and rice or even Lasanga.


Sister i really dont know if what i wrote , would be a help for you because there’s a dfference between you and me, what makes i dont know what you exactly do and what you eat…but you can change and put and cut as it suits you.

Good luck

مشكورة اختي والله ماقصرتي …. صح في فرق بيني وبينج بس استفدت من معض الجمل
على العموم اختي مشكوورة …. جعله الله في ميزان حسناتج ..

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة rare flower
hi my friend

I can help you

you have to give me the basis information
for example,
which time you get up?
what did eat in the lunch or dinner
these kind of information

مشكورة اختي بس سلمت الموضوع خلاص .. سمحيلي . لانه مافيه وقت كان مطلوب مني بسرعة فبياخذ وقت لين ما اطرشلج المعلومات وتسويلي الموضوع .. على العموم مشكورة اختي مرة ثانيه وسمحيلي ..

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