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براويكم طريقة حلوة لترتيب فراشي المكياج

هلا ..حبيباتي ..حبيت اراويكم طريقة حلوة و راقية و مرتبة لترتيب فرش الميكاج ..لقيتها في مواقع اجنبية ..يالسة افرفر و ادور موضيع تخص المكياج ..و قلت لازم افيدكم ..و ان شاء الله تعيبكم ..

بتحتاجون اكواب بلاستيكية شفافة او زجاجة . و ممكن تحصلونها في عدة محلات ..يعتمد ع ذوقج طبعا ..

و الشي الاهم هو الكور او الاحجار اللي تنحط في قاع الكوب ..ممكن نسميها : (beads )

و ها شكلهن ..

عموما هالطريقة اول ما تم استخدامها طبعا في محلات سيفورا ..

الطريقة ها ترتب شكل الفرش و تسهل استخدامهن ..

و هاي نسخة من احدى المواضيع اللي تتكلم عن ترتيب الفرش في احدى المواقع الاجنبية

In order to keep your brushes organized and clean, I would highly recommend you keep your brushes as shown above. This technique for organizing brushes was first debuted on the Sephora website, but it was quickly embraced by makeup gurus everywhere as a neat way to keep their brushes.

Personally, I thought this technique was very efficient and aesthetically pleasing, so I have also adopted this method. Keeping your brushes this way would ensure that you have some place to put your brushes back when you are done using them, and it would also look pretty on your vanity.

To make this brush organizer, you will need:

– A glass vase (preferably 4" or taller)

– A pouch of clear acrylic filler

Buy two of each if you would like to make two brush organizers. I made two for myself: one for my face brushes, one for my eye brushes. These materials can be purchased at any Michael’s store. I don’t know the prices for these materials, sorry, but you might be able to save money because Michael’s usually sends out coupons for 40% off.

And might I suggest buying a color-coordinated ribbon so you can tie a bow around each brush organizer? My brushes are mostly pink (available at www.CoastalScents.com until I can replace them with MAC brushes), so perhaps a polka-dotted pink ribbon would be nice.


thnxx sis

ما شاء الله روعة وتسلم هاي الأيادي

شكرا حبيباتي على المرور ..


يعطيج العافيه



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