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الرئيسية » “` learn English with me““ ^^

“` learn English with me““ ^^

HOW ARE You sisters

i notic that many of you want to be perfect in English and me too

i have an idea

what about this

i will write five new words and then each of you has to put each word in a sentence

that will help us to learn new words

and understand better

also in speaking

we will have a chance to speak better

what do you think ?

i will put the five words below

please girls corect me if i have mistakes

I am still learning





ok …… let us begin

secret <<< سر
noun /

memorize >>> يحفظ

realize <<< يعلم أو يدرك

potential <<< إمكانات . مقدرات كامنة
adjective ( صفه )

circumstance>>> ظروف . حالة

^waiting for you girls ^

مشكورة الغالية

Very nice topic
I will be happy to hlep you out in this subject and I think as a start this is a good introduction to begin with>>>

thanks very much
my teasher ask as to do things like this but not 5 word she sad 10 words .
it very good to us and i will do it.

waw I am please that you like the topic

you know i thought about 10 words but i said that nobody will participate

i will begin

i will marry next month .. i do not want anybody know that .. this is a secret

memorizing is one of the learning steps

finaly i realized the important of the time ( أخيرا أدركت قيمة الوقت )

my material potential are good ( إمكاناتي المادية جيدة )

i could not pay you because my circumstance in that time were difficult ,but

know i will do

بارك الله فيج أختي غزال الدماني

أفكارج حلوة…ويالله أبا الكلمات الياية ^__^

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