اختي ادخلي قوقل…واكتبي نفس الجمله وبتتطلع كل المواضيع الي تبينها
Fish wealth in the UAE is one of wealth living renewable. Although these resources exploited Past, But they continued to renewal year after year.
the Ministry of Environment and Water pursued regarding the preservation of fish stocks and optimal utilization strategy.
In the United Arab Emirates, the Ministry of Environment and Water responsible for the wealth of fish, and it has taken several measures ministry in this regard.
There are a lot of facilities that were given by the Ministry of Environment and Water such as: Service registration and licensing of fishing boats and fishermen, awareness and educate members of the community and Participation in campaigns clean up the marine environment in the State.
ســــى يفيدج خيتو حاولي تشيكين او تعدلين فيه اذا احتاج لاني سويته بسرعه
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